Day #5 Useful Broken Images

Sandbox This is where you play

Instructions: Whether it's a typo in the img tag source, or the image itself was misplaced or removed on the server - images break all the time on the web. The problem is, the browsers default way to display a broken image is really ugly. You can fix that and actually use it as an opportunity to enhance the user's experience on your web pages with CSS! That's your challenge in this lesson.


Flying eagle

Information About this lesson

What are we making?

Fun & fancy ways to handle broken images!

Where can I use it?

In your websites, client projects and applications as a backup solution for any broken images that might be misplaced on the server.

How compatible are these styles with major browsers?

Check the CSS3 styles from your stylesheet on this website. It allows you to see the compatibility of every CSS style with major browser.